
来源:志了个愿     发布日期:2024-06-12


Part I  Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. 答案:A问题问男士是什么意思?根据对话,我们知道女士说:“约翰,别给我点餐。我不饿。”男士答曰:“我很饿。我给你点了,会把你的吃掉。”这意味着他会吃所有点的东西。

2. 答案:B。问题问的是这位女士付多少房租?从对话中我们了解到女士租的公寓有三个卧室,一个漂亮的厨房,一个客厅和一个洗衣房,因为她有两个室友,所以只需要承担600美金的三分之一。

3. 答案:D问题问从男士的回答中我们能推断出什么?由女士的话可知客人们今天乘10点钟的航班去纽约,他们需要有人把客人准时送到机场。男士回答说:他很乐意,但他的车今天早上在去办公室的路上坏了,现在还在车库里。

4. 答案:C。问题问什么时候可在书店买到课本?由对话可知今天是周二,书后天(周四)会到书店。

5. 答案:A。问题问关于出租车司机的情况,男士认为出租车司机一定超速了,女士澄清说:司机并没有超速,因为不想撞到前面卡车上掉下来的一个箱子,他撞上了一棵树。结合对话,可知司机因为突然转了方向,撞上了一棵树,选A

6. 答案:B。男士问:“你和来访者的会面怎么样?”女士回答:“我认为这很好,因为每个人都对我的想法持开放态度。这是一次轻松的会议,令人惊讶的是,我们准时结束了会议。”因此C是正确答案。

7. 答案:D。问题问除了个人在测试、小测验和参与方面的表现,还有什么决定了他的成绩?根据对话可知,分数是由个人在期中和期末考试、定期小测验、研究项目和课堂参与等方面的表现决定的。选项A指出勤率;B是对课程的态度;C指实验室任务完成情况,因此选D(在研究项目中的表现)。

8. 答案:C。男士询问女士:有什么是去英国的游客需要避免的吗?女士说不要把UK(英国)称为England(英格兰),不要把British(英国人)称为English(英格兰人)。

9. 答案:C男士说:医生说他胃痛是因为压力太大;女士说:压力会给不同的人带来不同的问题,并宽慰男士说:应该想想每好的事情,而不是担心不可能的事情。

10. 答案:D。男士问女士,咖啡机怎么样了?女士说实际上,咖啡机不好用,浪费钱,应该再去买个好用的。因此选D,她后悔买了这个咖啡机。

Section B

Passage One

11. 答案:B。题目问学生在二楼能做什么?根据原文On Level 2, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. (在二楼,您将看到我们的流通台、当前期刊和杂志以及我们的复印设施。)可知选B(在流通台可借还书)。

12. 答案:C。此题问如果一本书逾期3天,学生要付多少滞纳金?根据原文“There is a 50-cent-a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15.00. (逾期图书每天收取50美分的滞纳金,最高不超过15美元。)”可知选C(每天50分,三天150美分,即1.5美元)。

13. 答案:C。问题是:星期五晚上图书馆什么时候关门?根据原文最后一段The library is open weekdays, 8 00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.to 8:30 p.m. The library is closed on Sundays. (图书馆开放时间为:工作日上午8:00至晚上10:00,周六上午9:00至晚上8:30,周日不开放。)”可知选C(晚上10点关门)。

Passage Two

14. 答案:A。问题是:面对面倾听与其他类型的倾听有何不同?文章第一段结尾句提到You can see the other person and ask questions if you do not understand what is being said.(如果你不明白对方在说什么,你可以当面问他一些问题。)”,因此选择A(可以要求对方解释)

15. 答案:C。问题是:公告属于哪类倾听类型?根据原文At other times, one listens for information, like an announcement at the train stationwhat train is leaving now, from which gatethis is selective listening. (其他时候,一个人倾听信息,比如火车站的公告——什么列车现在从哪个门离开——这是筛选型倾听。)”可知选C

16. 答案:D。问题是:以下哪一个词能让你开始仔细聆听关于你的火车的信息?根据原文When you hear the city you want, listen carefully.(当你听到你想要去的城市时,要仔细听。)”可知,只有选项D是城市名称。

Passage Three

17. 答案:C。问题问第一阶段培训持续多长时间?根据原文At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins the first period of training that lasts from three to five months. (在大约14个月大的时候,导盲犬开始了为期35个月的第一阶段训练。)”可知选C

18. 答案:A。问题问导盲犬应该学习下列哪一项?根据The dog learns how to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to disobey any order that might lead its owner into danger.(狗学会了如何观察交通和安全地过马路,也学会了不服从任何可能导致主人陷入危险的命令。)”,可知选A 

19. 答案:B。问题问最重要的培训持续多久?根据原文The most important part of the training is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. (培训最重要的部分是一个为期四周的训练计划,指导犬和它未来的主人学会一起工作。)”可知选B

20. 答案:B。问题是:对于盲人,下列哪项是正确的根据原文However, many blind people are not fit to work with dogs. Only about a tenth of the blind people find a guide dog useful. (然而,许多盲人不适合与狗一起工作。只有大约十分之一的盲人认为导盲犬有用。)”可知选B

Part II  Reading Comprehension

Section A

Passage One

31. 答案:C主旨题。问题:这篇文章主要讨论哪个话题?选项:A社区学院提供的资源;B学生转学到新大学的方法;C上社区大学的好处;D对大学生开放的机会。根据每一段的第一句话,可总结出本文的话题是讨论上社区大学的好处。

32. 答案:A。细节题。问题1段中提到的协议能让学生做什么?选项:A转到四年制大学;B接受全面的通识教育;C从社区大学毕业;D参加四年制大学的课程。根据关键词“agreements”可定位到第一段中的“One reason is that some community colleges have transfer agreements with private and state colleges and universities that guarantee admission. ”一句,可知选A

33. 答案:B。细节题。问题:为什么社区学院是移民学生的理想选择?选项:A 因为他们更喜欢晚上的课而不是白天的课;B 因为上社区大学的费用要低得多;C因为他们可以更快地在那里拿到本科学位;D因为他们被四年制大学录取比较困难。根据关键词短语“immigrant students”定位到“This is especially true for immigrant students, who don’t qualify for financial aid, loans or scholarships. ”一句,可知选B

34. 答案:D。推理题。问题:关于社区学院可以推断出什么?选项:A学生可以在校外学习;B老年学生占很大比例;C他们为学生提供托儿服务;D许多学校不要求学生住在宿舍里。根据第二段的“Community colleges also tend to be commuter schools, meaning people don’t have to live on campus in dorms.”一句合理推测可知,应选D

35. 答案:A。细节题。问题:为什么社区学院为学生提供进入四年制大学的“另一个机会”?选项:A因为他们帮助学生掌握大学必备的技能;B因为他们教学生写作和数学的基础知识;C因为他们能让学生挣到足够的钱去上大学;D因为他们鼓励学生接受更多的教育。根据文章第三段可知,此题选A

Passage Two

36. 答案:B。细节题。由文章第一二段可知Amabrush 一款仅需10秒就能清洁牙齿的免提牙刷。

37. 答案:B。细节题。问题:Amabrush刷牙需要多长时间?根据文章第一、二段和上题我们已知B10秒钟)为正确答案。

38. 答案:D。细节题。此题中的几个选项都可以在文章第四段中进行判别正误根据第四段最后一句可知本题正确答案为D(一个Amabrush可以在几个人之间共享)。

39. 答案:C 词意题。首先定位到Amabrush is the brainchild of a team of entrepreneurs based in Austria, Germany and the US. ”一句,根据句意可知brainchild是指创意成果,跟C项的意思最符合。另,此词也可看成是由brain(脑;脑力)和child(孩子)合成的一个名词,意为思想结晶。

40. 答案:B。细节题。题目问谁创造了第一个Amabrush样品?根据关键词定位到最后一段“Marvin Musialek, Amabrush founder, created the first sample in 2015. ”一句,可知选B

Passage Three

41. 答案:B。细节题。根据文章中的That is too many visitors for the park to handle. ”一句可知选B

42. 答案:D。细节题。根据题干When a storm washed out a Grand Canyon pipe line”,定位到文章第四段一、二句,可知应选D

43. 答案:A。细节题。根据题干中的关键词短语可定位到文章第六段的Congress gave the money after the 1997 Flood. ”一句,可知A是正确答案。

44. 答案:A细节题。根据关键词Julia Olson”定位到文章的倒数第二段,对照选项可知选A

45. 答案:C。推理题。此题的题干the infrastructure at the parks falls apart”是对“the lack of park maintenance”一句的改写,因此当公园的基础设施崩溃时,受影响的是游客和公园。

Section B



46. 答案:I。此处缺少一个由形容词narrow修饰的单数名词根据前期词性分类可知,正确答案为I。后文 “the narrowest classification within health foods is organic food…”的说法也验证了这一搭配。

47. 答案:L。此处需要一个原形动词,在备选项AHL中,能和between搭配的只有L

48. 答案:B。此处需要连词连接两个分句根据句意从备选项BJ中选择B表示然而的意思。

49. 答案:F此处需要一个形容词根据备选项并结合文意可知F 

50. 答案:A。此处需要一个原形动词。结合句意在备选项AH中选择A

51. 答案:D。根据句子结构可知此处需要一个过去分词,在备选项DKO中,结合句意选择D

52. 答案:N此处需要一个形容词修饰insecticides(杀虫剂),备选项中的N正符合其意。

53. 答案:C。此处需要一个副词修饰谓语have备选项Cbasically)意为基本上,你用这个词来表示你是在用一种简单、笼统的方式描述一种情况,并且你并不关心不太重要的细节。备选项Mfundamentally)(根本地)表示某物影响到或与某物的深层、基本性质有关。结合句意,C为正确答案。

54. 答案:H。此处需要一个原形动词备选项AHL中的H项最符合句意

55. 答案:E。此处需要一个名词做contain的宾语也是后面非限定定从的先行词结合句意在备选项E(化学物质)G营养物质中选择E

Part III  Integrated Testing

Section A

56. 答案:D。选项Ain addition)另外;Bfor instance)例如;Cmoreover)此外;Dhowever)然而,根据句意,此处表示转折,因此选D

57. 答案:C根据句意,今天刊发的文章可以用a new paper out today来表示。

58. 答案:A。选项Asense)意义,意思;Bsection)部分;Cseason)季节;Dsession一场一节。固定搭配in a sense,意为在某种意义上而言,根据句意此处选择A

59. 答案:D 此句讲述项目的起始时间,考虑到Asince一般与完成时态连用选项D最佳

60. 答案:C。此处缺少连词。Bdespite是介词,意为即使;尽管;Cwhile是连词,也有虽然,尽管的意思,可在陈述之前,用来介绍与的陈述部分相冲突的信息。

61. 答案:C。选项unique唯一的;独一无二的 Bobvious明显的Cdiverse)不同的,多样的;Ddifferent有区别的有差异的。根据句意选择C

62. 答案:B。固定搭配 do with,意为处置;对待;与……有关。

63. 答案:D。选项Abeliefs信念Bproblems)问题;Cissues重要议题Dreasons 原因根据句意选择D

64. 答案:B。选项Aobjects物体 Bsubjects主题Cobjective目标客观的Dsubjective主观的根据上下文这里需要一个名词表示研究的主题因此选B

65. 答案:A。选项Awithin不出;在之内 Buntil……直到……为止Cbeyond)超出;Dthrough……一端至另一端 ;根据上下文此处选A。  

66. 答案:DD选项other表示别的、另外的,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即可与单数名词连用。A选项the other表示两个中的另一个,是特指;C选项another表示三个以上中任意的另一个,是泛指一般与单数名词连用

67. 答案:A。选项Aquestion问题课题;Bsuggestion建议Crelation)关系;Dintention意图目的,结合句意,此项选A

68. 答案:A。此处look at的固定搭配中间加上了again,意为重新审视。

69. 答案:B。此处缺了宾语从句的主语选择B表示弄清楚其中原因

70. 答案:A。四个选项均为动词过去式Acompared比较,对照Bcomputed)计算;Ccontained包含Dcontrasted)对比,结合此处句意选择A

71. 答案:Bfall into意为属于;turn into 意为转向。

72. 答案:C。此句主语不完整应选择C表示他们发现的东西

73. 答案:Cin any of the categories意为在任何其他类别中,其他几个选项中的介词不常与category搭配。

74. 答案:CA选项match作动词意为配对C选项beat意为打败

75. 答案: D。选项Asimilar)相似;Bdelighted)高兴的;Cstrange)奇怪;D different)不同的,根据上下文,此处选D

Section B

76. 答案:Theyre sure to fight back.这是一道细节题。问题:电子烟制造商对AMA的决定有何反应?根据原文第二段第一句话However, the industry is sure to fight back. ”可回答本题。

77. 答案:Because they contain nicotine. 问题:根据第2段,为什么要禁止蒸汽吐烟设备?根据第二段中的原文“Most products contain nicotine. ‘It’s simple, we must keep nicotine products out of the hands of young people,’Dr. Patrice Harris, AMA’s president, said in a statement. ”,可知是由于这些蒸汽吐烟设备大都含有尼古丁。

78. 答案:A thickening substance used in illegally sold THC vaping products. 问题:医生们把肺部疾病在美国的传播归因于什么?根据关键词定位到第三段中的关键句Officials believe a thickening substance used in illegally sold THC vaping products may have caused the lung conditions.

79. 答案:Vaping products approved to help people quit. 问题:根据AMA政策,什么样的蒸汽吐烟产品可以继续使用?通过关键词定位到第四段第一句“The AMA policy calls for a ban on vaping products not approved to help people quit. 

80. 答案:Because it delays repeatedly the investigation on vaping products.题目问:为什么FDA受到广泛批评?根据关键词“the FDA has been widely criticized”定位到最后一段中的“However, the FDA has been widely criticized for repeatedly delaying its plan to begin examining thousands of vaping products on the market. 


Part I  Listening Comprehension


Section A

1. W: John, don’t order for me. I’m not hungry.

M: I’m very hungry. I order for you and then I’ll eat yours.

Q: What does the man mean?

2. W: So this is my apartment. There are 3 bedrooms, a nice kitchen, a living room and a laundry room.

M: It’s nice. How much is the rent?

W: Well, six hundred dollars a month. I have two roommates, so I share one third of the rent.

Q: How much does the woman pay for rent?

3. W: The guests are leaving for New York today on a 10 o’clock flight. We need someone to get them to the airport on time.

M: I’d be happy to. But my car was broken this morning on the way to the office and it’s in the garage now.

Q: What can be inferred from the man’s reply?

4. M: When can we get our textbooks? 

W: Unfortunately, the books havent come in yet. Its Tuesday today and I was told that you should be able to buy them at the book store the day after tomorrow.

M: OK, thanks a lot.

Q: When should the textbooks be available in the bookstore?

5. M: The taxi driver must have been speeding.

W: Well, not really. He crashed into a tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen from the truck ahead of him.

Q: What do we learn about the taxi driver?

6. M: How was your meeting with the visitors?

W: I think it was good because everyone was open to my ideas. It was an easy meeting and we finished on time, surprisingly.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

7. M: Professor, how do you evaluate our performance in the whole semester?

W: As you see on your course line, grading is determined by your work on the midterm and final test, periodical quizzes… Ah, a research project and classroom participation.

M: I see. Thank you very much.

Q: Apart from one’s performance in tests and quizzes and participation, what else determines one’s grade?

8. M: Kate, is there anything that visitors to Britain should avoid most?

W: Well, I don’t think that we are all that sensitive. Except that you should not refer to the UK as England or to the British as the English.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

9. M: The doctor said that I had stomach ache because I had too much pressure.

W: Well. Pressure causes different problems with different people. You should think about nice things rather than be worried about the impossible.

Q: What does the woman mean?

10. M: Hi, Mary, how’s the coffee maker working?

W: Actually, it doesn’t work well. It was a waste of money. I guess I should have shopped around for a good one.

Q: What can we learn about the woman?

Section B

Passage One

Hello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours. First of all, the librarys collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels 1 to 4 of this building. Level 1 houses our humanities and map collections. On Level 2, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on Level 3. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on Level 4.

Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cent-a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15.00. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.

The library is open weekdays, 8 00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.to 8:30 p.m. The library is closed on Sundays.

Questions 11-13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. What can students do on Level 2?

12. How much late fee should students pay if a book is overdue for 3 days?

13. When does the library close on Friday night?

Passage Two

Many students have asked me the questionhow can I improve my English listening skill?

Well, it may help to know that there are three kinds of listening. Most of our listening is done person to person or face to face. You can see the other person and ask questions if you do not understand what is being said. This is called interactive listening.

At other times, one listens for information, like an announcement at the train stationwhat train is leaving now, from which gatethis is selective listening. When you need to get the information from an announcement, think first of what you will hear. At the train station, the announcer also says the platform the train is leaving from, where the train is going, and the time it will leave. It may sound like this: train 849 to Washington is leaving from Platform B2 at 10 o’clock. When you hear the city you want, listen carefully. And you will probably hear the gate number and the time it will leave.

Next time we’ll talk about another kind of listening used in learning.

Questions 14-16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. How is face-to-face listening different from other kinds of listening?

15. What type of listening is an announcement?

16. Which of the following words in the announcement should make you start to listen very carefully for the information about your train?

Passage Three

    A guide dog is a dog which is especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must be very clever, healthy and responsible.

At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins the first period of training that lasts from three to five months. The dog has to become accustomed to the stiff handle that it will wear in the future when it is guiding its blind owner. The dog learns how to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to disobey any order that might lead its owner into danger.

The most important part of the training is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are not fit to work with dogs and some never will. Only about a tenth of the blind people find a guide dog useful.

Questions 17-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. How long does the first period of training last?

18. Which of the following should guide dogs learn?

19. How long does the most important training last?

20. Which of the following is true of blind people?

Part II  Reading Comprehension 


Section A

Passage One




Passage Two



 “即使在这10秒内,每颗牙齿表面的清洁时间也比普通牙刷长,” 制造商表示,“如果您用普通牙刷(手动或电动)刷牙,推荐的时间为120秒,平均每一颗牙齿表面仅清洁过1.25秒。而Amabrush则让你每一颗牙齿都清洁了足足10秒。”制造商称,人们一生中平均花108天时间刷牙。



Amabrush是一个来自奥地利、德国和美国的企业家团队的创意。Amabrush创始人Marvin Musialek2015年创造了第一个样品。自那以后,它得到了奥地利政府、私人机构和欧盟委员会(European Commission)的支持。

Passage Three

每年约有400万人参观约塞米蒂国家公园(Yosemite National Park)。他们想看看高高的瀑布和群山。从谷底看,这些山是一个令人惊奇的景象。需要许多商店、住宿和食物来应付人群。此外,水、道路和污水系统也是必须维护的基础设施的一部分。






塞拉俱乐部的律师朱莉娅·奥尔森(Julia Olson)认为,基础设施需要迁出约塞米蒂。她希望看到新的酒店、道路的修建,以及在公园外开始的商业活动。这样一来,对已经拥挤的公园施加的压力就会减少。


Section B






46. 答案:I。此处缺少一个由形容词narrow修饰的单数名词根据前期词性分类可知,正确答案为I。后文 “the narrowest classification within health foods is organic food…”的说法也验证了这一搭配。

47. 答案:L。此处需要一个原形动词,在备选项AHL中,能和between搭配的只有L

48. 答案:B。此处需要连词连接两个分句根据句意从备选项BJ中选择B表示然而的意思。

49. 答案:F此处需要一个形容词根据备选项并结合文意可知F 

50. 答案:A。此处需要一个原形动词。结合句意在备选项AH中选择A

51. 答案:D。根据句子结构可知此处需要一个过去分词,在备选项DKO中,结合句意选择D

52. 答案:N此处需要一个形容词修饰insecticides(杀虫剂),备选项中的N正符合其意。

53. 答案:C。此处需要一个副词修饰谓语have备选项Cbasically)意为基本上,你用这个词来表示你是在用一种简单、笼统的方式描述一种情况,并且你并不关心不太重要的细节。备选项Mfundamentally)(根本地)表示某物影响到或与某物的深层、基本性质有关。结合句意,C为正确答案。

54. 答案:H。此处需要一个原形动词备选项AHL中的H项最符合句意

55. 答案:E。此处需要一个名词做contain的宾语也是后面非限定定从的先行词结合句意在备选项E(化学物质)G营养物质中选择E

Part III  Integrated Testing


Section A





他们发现,狗在任何一类动物中似乎都没有从其他动物中脱颖而出。在认知测试中,食肉动物、社会猎人和家养动物都能打败或超过狗。狗的不同之处在于它们在这三组动物中匹配动物的能力。“每个物种都有独特的智力,” 利亚说。

Section B






Part IV  Writing


Life is Full of Choices

Life is choice. Without exception, everyone has to make choices in life, whether it’s about school, career or love. Although some of the options are simple, people cannot avoid the task of making difficult decisions.

Choice is often directly related to a person’s happiness, so in the face of many choices, what should he do? For example, college students face a difficult and critical decision when they graduate. It is difficult for many students to decide whether to continue their studies or start their own career development. Everyone is different and must consider the factors of personal life. However, in addition to the understanding of the specific situation, making the right choice also depends on the correct evaluation of oneself.

Therefore, in order to choose correctly, one must be realistic and self-aware. Once a decision is made, one should seriously accept and pursue the goal one choose, and strive to achieve the goal with spirit.

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